July 18, 2019

What makes S3E CrossFit so special?

Hey Rioters,

Fun fact of the day: There are currently 23 CrossFit affiliates in the greater Richmond area.

Which begs the question, what makes S3E CrossFit so special?

Is it the fact that we are Richmond’s Aerobic Capacity experts?

Is it the fact that the coaches are THE best?

Is it the awesomely funny stories we share on our Instagram page?

Actually, that all plays a small part but the real answer is simple: It’s you.

Let me start at the very beginning because it is a very good place to start…thanks for that one Julie Andrews and The Sound of Music!

I started S3E Performance Fitness in my garage back in 2017 and then formed S3E CrossFit this year. But why?

Simply put, the answer is YOU.

Before that goes to your head and you start to feel all special and what not, the “YOU” I’m referring to is the collective YOU who train day in and day out at S3E.

I have been a Coach for more than eight years now and it never ceased to amaze me that athletes of various ages, shapes, fitness levels, and any other metric you want to choose ALL yearn for the same thing…

Something better.

The mission of S3E is to Incite Your Riot! That means coaching you to find your physical and mental greatness…what we call YOUR riot. I know there is more in you, more ABOUT you and I’ve known that from the moment we met. I want S3E to build fitness programs for athletes who did not find a home and the ability to incite their riot in typical commercial gyms. I want to build a team of coaches that are passionate about introducing CrossFit and strength training to everyone regardless of perceived ability. Adaptive athletes; wounded veterans; individuals with sensory processing disorders; “Legends” (55+ years old); candidates for special operation selection courses; and endurance athletes all have a home with S3E.

That is the “something better” you and all your fellow Rioters yearn for…and quite frankly NEED.

I’ve said it before but I have to say it again, THANK YOU for trusting me and all the S3E coaches enough to help us build this amazing place and do all the Riot Inciting we can!

Thanks for reading and please feel free to drop me a comment in the section below. I would love to hear your thoughts, good AND bad.

I hope you have an awesome week and I look forward to Inciting Your Riot again soon!

Coach Matt